This Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) is a development plan document for FEB UMS for 2021-2025. This strategic plan is an explanation of the vision and mission of FEB UMS. Based on the vision and mission of FEB UMS, organizational goals and objectives, strategies and programs are determined to achieve this vision. The development strategy is also accompanied by programs and achievement indicators to determine the level of success of each strategy.

The Strategic Plan for the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (FEB UMS) for 2021-2025 contains several strategic issues and development directions for FEB UMS in order to respond to changes in higher education regulations as well as contemporary issues related to the latest EMBA developments.

This Strategic Plan contains the direction and development of FEB UMS in the next 5 years. This strategic plan serves as a guide for FEB UMS and the study programs under it, both undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees, to prepare an Annual Implementation Plan (RIT) in the RPUPPS (Study Program Management Unit Development Plan) and RPPS (Program Development Plan Studies).

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